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Tips on Hiring Voice Over Agency

It is important for you to do your homework carefully in order to gain the maximum out of your investment in voice over services and ensure that it turns out to be a great experience both for yourself and the amazing talent that you have hired. It is important to have a seamless experience as it is the only way you can maximize your ROI and save your time, money and other valuable resources. Here we list few important tips that will let you hire top voice over agency.

Recording projects should include a creative brief
It is a well-documented fact that best of presentations are always accompanied by a creative brief. However, it is always seen that a creative brief is not given the attention it deserves probably owing to time constraints. This certainly should not be the case as carrying forward a project without a well-prepared creative brief often leads to a lot of miscommunication and misjudgment between your organization and the artist you have hired from outside from a voice over agency.

A good creative brief on the other hand creates a synergy between the producer and the artist. Both are in sync regarding what needs to be done and what approach should be taken to help it achieve its desired objective and help the business generate good return on its investment. 

Furthermore, a good creative brief can keep the messaging straight even as it keeps moving back and forth between your organization and external vendors. Devoid of any miscommunication or deviance, the project is most likely to achieve its end goal.

Ensure that your voice over script is ready beforehand
As a scriptwriter it is of utmost importance for you to align the right tone and reading level in order to ensure that your target audience does not have any difficulty in comprehending the message. Experts warn that one of the leading cause of error is the misguided notion that a voice actor can be comfortable for all types and forms of scripts. They can read it perfectly despite the level of complexity associated with the language. This certainly is not the case and a surefire recipe for disaster. A good script is one which all ready to be handed over to the voice over actor with all the nuances in place---correct pronunciation, absence of bombastic words, elimination of jargon and acronyms among others.

Ensure that the focus is on story and not on buzzwords, jargon, or acronyms that is most likely to put off your listeners. For example do you know what Fssai stands for? Or should you simply say Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.

Have belief in the talent you have hired
Please be very mindful of the fact that under-directing and over-directing both are harmful. 
You’ve taken voice over services from a third-party vendor, and it is expected that they will know what vocal approach will bring out the best results. Just step back and let them do their work without frequent intervention.


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